CASTING "Paper"...
LOGLINE: Steve Corrigan, a printing plant manager with a large gambling debt, is forced by a gangster to print counterfeit money at his press, putting everyone around him at risk.!
To Submit, please send me a message with links to your online profile. No attachments allowed with form submission, so I'll only see your name and won't know what you look like if you don't include links. Be sure to include your name and the role you are interested in, in the subject line!!!
STEVE CORRIGAN: A "beat down" 38yrs old, White male. Usually in motley attire. He is divorced, and has a 6-year old daughter, Dietrich, who was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. There are promising cures on the horizon, but they aren't covered by Steve's insurance. Steve answer to his lot in life is to indulge his bad habits: drinking, smoking, and...worst of all...thinking he could scientifically beat the football line. Protagonist of the film.
FRED: 40 year old ex-con, fellow patron of the same bars Steve frequents. Fred is the accomplice that Steve needs to run the press for him in the counterfeiting scheme. Steve and Fred knew each other in the past, as they were involved in a "boiler room" scam together. Fred took the heat and went to jail for it. Now he's out, and he certainly doesn't want to go back, especially because of Steve's carelessness. Ethnicity:
WAYNE: Steve's boss, Wayne, 60, bald and tall, but slumped from a recent stroke, sits in a wheelchair. He is the happy-go-lucky owner of the printing company. He is a guy who hires ex-cons to get them on their feet and above ground. He loves Steve like a son, and entrusts him with all of the day-to-operations. Any Ethnicity:
LAUREN: 38 year old white female. She is an attractive and successful advertising executive who comes to Steve with a difficult printing job she needs done. She is a bit mysterious as well, and knows how to use a gun - she keeps one in her office. Lauren is a love interest for Steve.
YOUKI: 35 year old Asian male. Youki is the main antagonist in the film. He is a new-age Japanese Yazuka Capo without all the overhead of having soldiers on staff: He contracts them as needed. With a Masters in Global Finance, he's smarter than your average mob boss. Youki bought Steve's gambling debt as a package deal from the original bookie. The previous owner threw in Steve's watering hole, Vic's Bar, as part of the deal. Youki forces Steve to do the counterfeiting operation. He is a polite man, and usually has his henchmen carry out violent acts for him. This is a guy who doesn't want to get his hands dirty unless absolutely necessary - but he would if needed.

Project Type: Feature Film (Non-Union)
Rate: Copy/Credit/Meals (seriously)
Audition Location: Will be provided with audition notification
Audition Dates: Weekends in September (Sats/Suns only)
- no Weekday sessions!
Callback Dates: 10/03/2015 and 10/04/2015
Callback Note: Possible callback session during
- 10/5 thru 10/7 - IN EVENING!!
Submissions Due: ASAP
Shoot Dates: 10/10/2015 (see notes!)
Shoot City: Pasadena
Director: Al Ribisi
Casting Directors: Leslie Brown
Producer: Al Ribisi, Jeff Nellan
Shoot Note: This shoot will be nights and weekends in October/November - mostly weekends. It will be a very small crew. The schedule is based on the availability of the location. So we have to work around their business hours. We will be rehearsing with the actors during the weeknights prior to the shooting weekends, at least a couple times a week, roughly from 7-10pm. (Rehearsals tentatively scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays).
Scenes will be actor/camera choreographed to get as much out of one take as possible, with one camera.Because there is no pay (just copy/credit/meals - seriously), we understand fully that actors will have to go where the money is, and we will work with you as best we can. So, if you book some amazing, high-paying commercial that absolutely must take place in the middle of our shoot schedule, the production has agreed to be as accommodating as is realistic.
With that in mind, please only submit for this project if you intend to commit to this type of schedule from the beginning, and don't justify flaking on the project just because there's no pay. WE are taking it seriously, and hope you will too!Remember - this is a labor of love, and we are all doing this because we are itching to get a feature under our belts! (Remember “Rebel without a Crew”?)
I have asked the production team to PROMISE that you will get your footage within a reasonable amount of time after filming is completed (within 6 months). Keep in mind there may be restrictions on what you can do with your footage if the full film hasn’t finished post-production, and been released by that time.